Cookies Used on This Site
Cookies Used on This Site
Cookies Used on This Site
Like all good websites, an outline is given for each of the cookies used in relation to the site.
In addition, the expiration time of each respective cookie is noted. Notwithstanding the natural expiration time, web browsers allow the deleting of such things as browsing history and cookies that are stored, so deleting cookies in this fashion would override any expiration date otherwise set.
This site uses the following three cookies in support of basic site usage:
hs This website is hosted on servers that contain more than one web site. This cookie ensures the right site is loaded for the request made by the browser. This cookie expires when the browsing session ends.
svSession This cookie relates to managing technical aspects of user access to the site. This cookie expires 5 years after the end of the browsing session that resulted in its creation.
XSRF token This is a Session (transient) cookie which is used to validate that there are no malicious strings in the data. It allows you to open links to third party websites and collect business information about interactions with components or applications on your website.
This site uses the following two cookies in support of the use of the ‘cookies alert’ notice displayed when a user first accesses the site:
​ This cookie expires at the end of the session.
AWSELB This cookie expires 30 mins after the end of the session.
This site uses the following five cookies in support of the use of Google Analytics:
Essentially these cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use this site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors to the site have come from, the pages they have visited, and the duration of a visit.
_utma This cookie is used to identify unique visitors. This cookie keeps track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site pertaining to the cookie, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred. This cookie is set to expire 2 years after each update.
_utmb and _utmc These cookies are used to determine sessions. The first one expires 30 minutes after inactivity and the second one expires after the browser is closed. Together they are able to identify unique sessions including session length. When you close your browser but come back within 30 minutes, google analytics knows to record a new session.
_utmt This session cookie is used to ‘throttle’ the request rate to the site.
_utmz This cookie holds information about the way the site visitor entered the website including keeping track of where the visitor came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked on, and what keyword was used. Things like keywords used in Google, campaigns like AdWords or affiliate marketing are all saved here. It’s set for six months, so visits can be attributed to a certain campaign or source for up to six months. It is overridden each time the user enters the site from a new source.