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In addition to the set of values laid out here, closely related to this are a set of principles and beliefs by which I work, for better or worse, in the sense of the extent to which holding such principles gets you anywhere. Again, I will allude to this point through some posts.
RIGHT THINGS RIGHT The belief in striving to do the right things right. This is about striving to understand what the ‘right thing’ to do is, given the situation, context and objectives. And it’s about striving to do these things in the ‘right way’. So much follows from doing this, and indeed, from not doing this.
IDEAS; PRACTICE I deal in ideas. I firmly believe in basing practice on sound ideas and in developing ideas from practice. I believe in discussing ideas, in sharing ideas and in constantly creating and developing ideas. Good ideas form the basis of what we do. We apply existing ideas and we develop new ideas through what we do.
LEARN; IMPROVE I believe in learning from what we do, and from this improving what we do. I might hold strong views on things, but if I learn these need to change, I try to change my view.
CHALLENGE; QUESTION I believe in challenging and questioning things if I think it’s valid and constructive to do so, but not just for the sake of it. I’m not afraid to constructively challenge the given situation, status quo, current beliefs and paradigms. I’m not intimidated by the situations met. I ask questions. Questions create understanding and understanding feeds so much else. I strive to understand the real issues, needs and solutions.
INTEGRITY I believe in acting with integrity and objectivity, to uphold a high work ethic, standard and level of professionalism, and to operate in an open and honest fashion. I believe in entering a situation with an open mind and with no preconceived ideas. I offer views and opinions with objectivity based on what I learn and what I believe to be true and not on what I think people may want to hear, or on what popular opinion may suggest.
As with the stated values, it’s not that any given blog post somehow necessarily maps to these principles per se, but rather, the views, opinions and ideas expressed in a blog post reflect experience gained that comes from trying to conduct life/business in accordance with the stated principles.